OO Scale Detailing
Remember we have a lot of detailing moulds and there are multiple pages that you can navigate at the bottom of this page
Country Walling DT-21
Country Walling Curved Sections DT39
TBR05 Timber Roof or Fencing sheet - NEW RANGE
DT47 Sign Boards mould - OO Gauge
CP02 Chimneys
DT27 Brick Troughs Detailing
Stone Troughs Detailing - DT28
Corrugated Steel Mould - CM10
Lineside Stone Walling Sheet - LS02
Stone Town Walling - DT43
DT40 Brick Town Walling
Footpaths - FS01
Ready Made Clock Towers R021
4 x Ready Casted Dormers - R019
Timber Bunkers Mould - Bunker01
Timber Troughs Detailing - DT29
DT03 Cable Trunking Sections
Dry Stone Walling - Ramped Ends - CM60
DT08 Barrels and Boxes
DT49 LARGE Heritage Random stone Walling Sheet
Dry Stone Walling Strips CM45
Rural Walling Release 2 - Sections - DT-13
Detailing Sacks and Timbers - DT19
Detailing Pipes and Crates - DT-18
Relay Boxes DT22
Pig Stys - DT31
Cobbled Stones with Edging Stones DT33
Dustbins and Churns DT34
DT48 Heritage Random stone Walling Sheet
Detailing Building Abutments DT37
DT54 Cobbled Road
Crazy Paving CM09
Cotswold Stone Walling mould - CM04
Low Apex Gables DT02
DT53 Cobbled Paving
Clear plastic windows Standard BW - WA01